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Cure is the concern of every therapist. In his training, he learns

  1. Anatomical = structure of the body
  2. Physiology = how the body works
  3. Pathophysiology = how the disease works

The construction of the body is a fundamental concept. This basic concept reflects life and is useful in order to live the life. Without legs, we do not get ahead. Without arms, we can do nothing. Without digestive organs we can not process food and information. Without heart and circulation, we can not live an own drive and have no rhythm. Without lungs we can not share air or another. Without kidneys, we can not clean ourselves. Without sexual organs, we can not reproduce ourselves, without which we would have no butterflies in my stomach. Without brain and nervous system, we can not communicate with ourselves, so produce no harmony.

So we need a blueprint, look like the body needs in order to lead an independent life.Therefore, it makes sense to deal with anatomy.

Likewise, the functional sequences are interesting in training called „physiology„. It’s good to know how an organ works. The types of functions are indicative of the pulse-generating background.

The pathophysiology but takes up most of the training. Here is considered the detail, cut into slices under the microscope, bombarded with ultrasonic waves at the device or at the X-ray machine. It is read thick books that are dedicated to the various pathologies. Unfortunately, always under the premise: how is the disease and how it spreads.

This is where the fallacy:

If I devote all my attention to the disease, I think they found in life. I look back no more, as the ill person feels. I ask him anything. He has no chance of being able to recognize it as well. If he has bad luck, I tell him also that he has only a short time to live (nocebo).

Using this method, I pay homage to the disease! I therefore support the state that I actually want to abolish. I ignore the person who is ill. I focus on the diseased state. I forgot what I originally begun: for the health and health maintenance.

Thus, in conventional medicine, which determines the formation process, have been forgotten for centuries, which is why people come to the doctor. It is about people, not about what makes them to be sick. We need ways to enable them again to think healthy, feel healthy and live healthy. Here we must remember that everyone is different. He is different from any other people in this world. Only the blueprint they have in common.That is why we get along with so few genes.

So we prefer to ask our patients,

  • how he feels
  • what makes the illness with him
  • where he is hampered by his illness
  • how he experienced this sick state
  • what he wants
  • what could make him happy
  • where he would prefer to live
  • how he would prefer to live

Let us stop to give each disease a name. With the name you call someone to be. We do not want to call the disease!

We will rename the complaints so that we can find solutions. But just at this price: we are looking to break away from the problems that have caused the illness. And then we look for solutions, together with the patient. So we give him a chance to make a new life.

The old behavior was causing the illness. We need a new behavior in order to live again healthy. To develop a new behavior, we need to can imagine it. We need pictures to see the new future. We need words to talk about the new future. We need ideas in order to be able even to start a new one.

This is the honorable task of the therapist:

  • To find a cure that symbolizes health.
  • To devolop ideas, how life can be happy.
  • A ritual in order to reflect this symbolically represent.
  • Again and again, talk to the patient about how it will be good in future.

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