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Fagus Sylvatica …

A handsome tree, reaching a height of upto 100 feet (about 30 m). Formerly known as the ‘Mother of the wood’. Male and  female Flowers develop on the same tree, flowering in April or May, as the leaves come out.

Emotional Group:  Overcare for welfare of others …

Beech relates to the soul qualities of sympathy and tolerance. A person in negative Beech state will be narrow minded, hard and intolerant in their reactions. Critical attitude, arrogance, intolerance. Criticism without any understanding of the views and situations of others.

Beech Key Symptoms …

  • Criticism
  • Intolerance
  • Passing Judgments
  • Perfectionism

  • Unable to show understanding or forbrarance for inadequacies of others
  • Unable to enter into the feelings of others, as one’s own feelings are blocked
  • Sits in judgement of others, seeing thier faults and condemning them
  • Always sees only what is wrong in a situation, the weaknesses unable to see the positive resluts that might come of it
  • Overlooks the fact that everybody does not have the same advantages and potentials, and that people can only develop according to thier own inner potetial
  • Has firm, naroowly defined principles, and inwardly behaves like a severe task-master
  • Reacts meanly, pedantically and in an unwielding fashion at times
  • Is tried by the small gestures and speech habits of others, the degree of irritaion bears no reaction to the cause
  • Tenses inside, holds rigid
  • Being hypercritical, tends to be isolated from ones fellows

” {Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}

Detailed explanation of negative outcomes

  • Very Hard task masters, wants discipline, punctuality and orderliness everywhere. Beech type can’t tolerate indiscipline. Makes no allowance for genuine difficulties
  • Highly punctual
  • Rigid personality with fixed ideas and opinions
  • Imposes high standards of perfection on others. Those people often have a strong sense of perfection
  • It is almost impossible for anyone to meet thier standards. Intolerance for other’s shortcomings and mannerisms. Intolerent not only of people but other things as well like- change of weather, noise, disorderly behaviour etc
  • Very Critical  or judgemental toward behaviour of others. They are convineced that they are always in the right and everyone else in the wrong. Believing one’s own judgement to be superior and justified. It is impossible for others to match up to thier expectations
  • Always criticizing for the intention of finding fault. Criticism even during saddening circumstances.
  • They lack in compassion, humility and sympathy.
  • Loneliness because of thier nature, Beech type is friendless, so they are lonely and thus feel frustrated
  • Over conscious of neatness. Things must be kept in proper places and in order.
  • They expect and demand total honesty from others.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • It will bring back normalcy, besides improving good health
  • It gives faith that one is safe and protected
  • Courage to transcedent vague fears , feels calm and collected
  • Ability to face all unaccountable, unpredictable, unknown things

Physical Diseases Due to Negative Emotions

  • Rigidity in the body like – Rheumatic complaints, Musculo-skeletal disorders
  • Over-exertion and fatigue
  • Chronic sore throat problems, gum problems such as abscesses “or” bleeding gums and frequent migraines

References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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