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Prunus Cerasifera……

The thornless young shoots of a tree or shurb growing to a hieght of 3-4 m that is often planted in rows to provide a wind break. The flowers are pure white , slightly larger than those of black thorn or haw thorn , and open in February to April , before the leaves appear.

Emotional Group:  Fear…

Cherry Plum relates to the principle of openness and composure .In the negative cherryplum state ,frantic effoerts are made to supress a process of spiritual and mental growth.

CherryPlum Key Symptoms …

Fear of mind loosing control

Fear of mental Emotional Breakdown

Desperation and destructive impulses

  • Fear of letting go inside , Fear of loosing one’s mind , Fear of loss of control ,uncontrolled outbreaks of temper.
  • Feeling of no longer being able to keep inner clontrol mechanisms going.
  • Desperate , about to have a nervous break down.
  • Afraid one might do something terrible against one’s will .
  • Contrary to one’s normal disposition , brutal impulses come up , afraid of having to do something one would never normally do .
  • Afraid of uncontrollable powers of mind and spirit .
  • Afraid one is going mad , breaking down ,may have to go to an instittution .
  • Feelings of inner time bomb ticking away.
  • Compulsive ideas , delusions.
  • Sudden uncontrolled outbreaks of rage , especially with children who will throw themselves on the ground , hit thier head against the wall.
  • Parents worry they might hit thier children , risk of child abuse.

” {Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}

Detailed explanation of negative outcomes

  • All the emotions relating to unbearable ,unreasonable , uncontrollable , unquenchable , intolerable , irresistible temptations , impulsiveness , force to think of this remedy..
  • Unbearable Pains to a great extent – both Physical and Mental . May even attempt suicide due to unbearable Pains.
  • Can not give any proper reasoning of  Uncontrollable anger , uncontrolable  weeping.
  • Irresistible Temptaions.
  • Voilent physical acts with thier children/wife /family members in a fit of anger.
  • Mental impuilses . Like urges of :-thinking of suicide ‘or’ killing of somebody.
  • Temporary insanity , suicidal or destructive impluses.
  • There are actions by sudden impulse not controlled by reason. .
  • Unreasonalble emotional acts , swayed by emotion and not by reason like :- rage, shrieking , grinding teeth in anger , desire to clintch , bitting , throwing things , thrashing furniture.
  • Very sensitive Hysterical tantrums , yelling , screaming etc..Fear of loosing conrtol over physical functions or loosing control over his mind.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • A better control over Impulses and Emotions.
  • Clear reasoning and thinking .
  • Proper Reasoning  and inner calm sunsiding Compulsive thoughts

Physical Ailments Due to Negative Emotions

  • Due to such fears biting , nervous ticks , stricking others, obsessive behaviour , mild insanity
  • This remedy also good for burns and scalds
  • Any thing that gives unbearable pains like severe injuries of head. (This remedy is quite often prescribed in cases of head injuries)
  • Unquenchable Thirst
  • Epileptic Attacks
  • So much itching that it leads to bleeding..Unbearable itching ,scratches to bleed
  • Uncontrolable cravings..drugs, alcohol , even for food and  drinks.
  • Uncontrolable incontinence and betwetting
  • During rehabilitation , emotional/mental/physical cravings can be helped out using cherryplum.
References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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