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“Malus Pumila  or  Sylvestris…

Probably a cultivated apple tree gone wild. Spreading crown , short , thorn like shoots . Maximum Height 30-35 ft (10m). The tree grows in hedgerows, thickets and woodland clearings. The heart shaped petals are a rich pink on the outside , and white with just a tinge of pink inside .Flowering in May.”

Emotional Group:  Despondency and Despair

“Crab Apple relates to the sphere of order , purity and perfection. Crab Apple often is the state of people who have very definite ideas as to how the world around them , thier body and thier inner life should be – flawless. Feels Clean Infected , self disgust . Gets Stuck in details…..”

Crab Apple Keynote Symptoms …

This remedy helps to get rid of anything , that they do not like in their minds. It may be a bad habit or a bad thought ‘or’ something physical such as rash ‘or’ discharge.

  • Overemphasis on principle of purity for soul and spirit and/or physically
  • Self-disgust on account of negative thoughts , unkind words spoken , egotistical behaviour towards others.
  • Self-condemnation for having done something not in accord with own inner nature.
  • Feels he has to wash away impure thoughts.
  • Feels sinful, besmirched.
  • Overvalues detail , letting self be tyrannized by minor things.
  • Perfect house keeper showing pedantic exactitude.
  • Feels everything has to be neat as a pin.
  • Outsiders say , “she has a bee in her bonnet”
  • Sensitive to lack of order in both public and private life.
  • Finds Self disgusting if he has skin eruptions, sweat feet , spots , warts etc.
  • Anxiety from all forms of dirt , insects, danger of bacteria etc.
  • Great need for cleanliness , even compulsive washing.
  • Afraid that foods may be bad , afraid of dirty toilets , wrong drugs , environmental pollution
  • Great need to exteriorise , nervous cough , chronic cough , chronic cold in the nose , discharge.”

{Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}”

Detailed Explanation of Negative Mind Set

  • The cleansing Remedy , also for self hatered.
  • Very careful about infection ,contagion and contamination. Over conscious about cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Low self-image , worried about her appearance.
  • Keeps on washing hands etc. Want to “cut and thorw away” any undesirable part of his body.
  • Very Fastidious and possess highly misunderstood ideal of purity.
  • Often have unpleasant or false sensations . Sand like sensation in eyes ‘or’ sensation as if something alive in abdomen.
  • Developing obsessive-compulsive measures such as frequent hand washing  ‘or’ vigorous house cleaning , to overcome internal feelings of cleanliness.
  • Can’t accept anything which has any flaw in it. Giving more importance to trivial things than the main picture.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • Develop self acceptance and self respect.
  • Feel confident and have a Raised feeling of self-worth.
  • Shame or guilt feeling is realised
  • Gives clear perspective in life.
  • Reduces the flaw finding.

Physical Ailments Due to Negative Emotions

  • In cases of physical abuse or molestations where the victim feels guilty even though there is no personal fault
  • In order to emphasis on slim figure may develop Anorexia and bulimia
  • This remedy helps in the treatnment of skin ailments like warts , acne , boils
  • Aid in drainage therapy and detixification
  • Urinary inconsitance or bedwetting
  • Helps to get rid of habits like spitting ,drinking , smoking etc
  • Diseases that may arise by the sense of contanimation eg nausea or vomiting.
References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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