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Botanical name: Pinus silvestris L.
Family Pinaceae.

  • English: Scotch pine, scotch fir;
  • Spanish: Pino albar, Pino silvestrel;
  • French: Pin sylvestre;
  • German: Gemeine Kiefer.

Mind / Emotions

Burdening feelings of guilt and self-reproach; inability to release them. Highly developed voice of conscience; broods and despairs over sins and failings. Excessive introversion, self-reflection, and stifling self-observation. Feelings of worthlessness and lack of pride in oneself; self-depreciation. Negative expectancy, belief that one does not deserve a good lot; may welcome illness as a form of punishment; superstitions, religious despair; can become suicidal. Conscientiousness in regard to social relations and work; may be obsessive and compulsive with details; fixed ideas. Assumes responsibility, strong sense of duty; blames own self for the mistakes of others. Develops defensive mechanisms to appease conscience and raise self-image; obsessive and compulsive disorders; self-punitive, ritualistic, perfection-oriented behavior. Persecutory delusions and paranoia that may be caused by unresolved guilt which calls for release by punishment by authority figures. Submerged guilt that has not been acknowledged and creates disturbance arising from the subconscious mind; hysterical manifestations; inhibited expression. Changeable emotions, guilt alternates with urge for satisfaction, remorse follows outbursts of temper; dichotomy between religious, moral aspiration and instinctual gratification. Longing for purification and release; may express soul conflict by preoccupying with material cleanliness and engaging in preventative measures against contamination.

  • MIND – AILMENTS FROM – anger
  • MIND – CENSORIOUS – oneself; of
  • MIND – REPROACHING himself
  • MIND – THOUGHTS – vanishing of
  • MIND – UNDERTAKING – many things, persevering in nothing


Subdued, depressed organism. Grinding of teeth Compulsive-obsessive behavior may be accompanied by tension, cramping, and spasmodic or repetitive movements. Breathing disturbances, especially with a constrictive, oppressive character. Gastric ulcer, especially if there is an experience of loss that cannot be mastered and is accompanied by self-depreciation. Insomnia; nightmares of being persecuted. (Homeopathically prepared from the leaves and young twigs, Pinus sylvestris has found use in the treatment of a generally weak, delicate, and anxious constitution, with oppressed breathing and sleeplessness.)*

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes
  • Any physical illness based on conversion disorder (or hysterical neurosis, conversion type)
  • Eating disorder (bulimia)
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – patients with character neurosis
  • Irritable colon
  • Skin disease (pruritus – compulsive patients)
  • Insomnia – initial and intermittent (due to compulsive thought activity)


Crab Apple: Feelings of shame and uncleanness; fear of contamination; inhibited expression.

Rock Water: Self-punitive, ritualistic, perfection-oriented; wants to achieve self-mastery.

Oak: Overly responsible; conscientious, hard-working, goes beyond the call of duty.

Chestnut Bud: Submerging guilt into the subconscious, without learning the lesson.

Centaury: Serving others, while putting one’s own goals aside; assuming the burdens of others, assuming responsibility for their failures.

Wild Rose: Feels undeserving of a better lot; does not make an effort to improve life’s circumstances.

Aspen: Superstitious fear of punishment; persecutory delusions, paranoia.

Sweet Chestnut: Suicidal ideation from feelings of worthlessness and nihilistic despair; sense of meaninglessness of life; may become prone to superstitions and compulsive ritualism.

Mustard: Introversion, depressive brooding.

Scleranthus: Changeable emotions, alternation between guilt and vital urges; hysterical imbalances.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Pine

Cyclamen europaeum: Grieves over duty neglected, terrors of conscience; depressive introversion; weakness and oppression of chest with difficult breathing (nervous breathing syndrome); irritable colon, pain about anus and perineum; sleep is not refreshing and plagued by nightmares; subdued vitality.
Coffea cruda: Apprehensive anxiety of conscience; weeping over trifles; anguish and remorse; hysteria; (highly sensitive nervous system); insomnia from excessive thought activity.
Aurum metallicum: Feelings of worthlessness and self-condemnation; despondency with suicidal ideation; overly conscientious, responsible; frequent deep breathing (nervous breathing syndrome); hysterical tendencies and oversensitivity to outside impressions; eating disorder; sleeplessness, nightmares.
Agnus castus: Self-contempt, often elicited by sexual overactivity that is followed by a loss of sexual vitality, with corresponding nervous depletion and feelings of worthlessness and guilt; fear of death, forebodings; (hysteria with heart palpitations and nose bleed in females); fissures in anus and subcutaneous ulceration near anus; (feeling that bowels press downward, wants to support them).
Zincum metallicum: Depressive and subdued; feels as if had committed a crime and is about to be arrested; nervous sensitivity and fidgety restlessness, especially in the feet; grinds teeth; difficult respiration and oppression of chest; disturbed sleep with frequent waking and nightmares.
Zincum oxydatum: Anguished conscience; feels as if guilty of a crime; spasmodic impulse to laugh, involuntary contraction of the risible muscles;  impeded respiration, especially in left lung; general oppression of chest and spasmodic constriction of the entire thorax; eating disorders; depressed and subdued state of body; agitated sleep, vivid ideas and dreams.
Cuprum metallicum: Moroseness and fearfulness; guilty conscience; tendency to use words not intended; fixed ideas; contracted jaws; general cramp proclivity; painful contraction of the chest with short respiration, attacks of suffocation at 3 a.m.  that are worse from emotions; eating disorders; itching eruptions.
Lilium tigrinum: Excessive capriciousness and sexual inclination, held in check by strong religious aspiration and self-condemnation; despair over salvation may even trigger suicidal ideation; hysterical manifestations;  breathing disturbances, especially suffocative feeling in crowded and warm rooms (nervous breathing syndrome); changeable appetite; sleep unrefreshed.
Psorinum: Negative expectancy, does not believe to be deserving of good fortune; anxious pessimism, despair, suicidal thoughts; asthmatic disturbances; gastric ulcer; purulent skin diseases, itching; low stamina, readily succumbs to illness..
Syphilinum: Obsessive-compulsive disorder; constant washing of hands from interior urge to be free of contamination, this being expression of need to be released of self-blame or interior uncleanness; (fear of insanity, of paralysis); asthmatic complaints; gastric ulcer; skin diseases with reddish -brown eruption.
Phosphoricum acidum: Deep-seated disappointment and grief, with features of remorse and resignation; stagnation of emotions; pressure behind sternum and difficult breathing; gastric ulcer; insulin-dependent diabetes; burning red rash; weak and subdued organism.
Ignatia amara: Taciturn, remorseful introversion after grief and disappointment; holds emotions inside, does not let go of preoccupation with grievous occurrences; conscientiousness about trifles; hysterical manifestations; breathing difficulties, frequent sighing (nervous breathing syndrome); pain and spasms in rectum (irritable bowel syndrome); pruritus, urticaria.

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