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Botanical Name: Scleranthus annuus

Family: Caryophyllaceae


  • English: L Scleranthus, Annual knawel;
  • French: Gnavelle;
  • German: Sommerknäuel.


Indecisiveness; vacillation between options, first one choice seeming right, then the other.  Dread of making the wrong decision; “deadlock” feeling.   May feel need to solve problem alone. Overstimulation by impressions and ideas; oversensitivity to external impressions.  Lack of mental peace and lack of having an overview.  “Wild,” unfocused feeling in the head; thought processes do not readily translate into decisive and pragmatic action.  Lack of reasonable clarity; emotions may predominate.  Lack of power of concentration.  Emotional imbalances and mood swings (bipolar or manic-depressive disorders).  Capriciousness; hysterical sensitivity and alternation between mental/emotional and physical symptoms (hysterical neurosis, conversion type).  Dissociation within the personality, alternation between different expressions of personality (dissociative personality disorder).

  • MIND – CONFIDENCE – want of self-confidence
  • MIND – MOOD – changeable
  • MIND – POSTPONING everything to next day
  • MIND – SLOWNESS – irresolution; from


All alternating symptoms or symptoms shifting between planes, as mental/emotional symptoms alternate with physical symptoms.  Hysterical neurosis with physical manifestations.  Hormonal imbalances.  Nervous oversensitivity in regard to disturbing, interfering impressions, as when experiencing excessive light, noise, turmoil, or when pressured to receive too much information or input at once.  The body does not find stability or balance in expression and function.  Disturbances in equilibrium such as dizziness, vertigo, fainting, travel sickness.  Difficulty in focusing the vision; problems of visual accommodation.  Insecure, staggering gait.  Failure to synchronize thought processes with actions; failure of coordination.  Mood swings, lack of mental serenity and calm reasoning power, “wild” feeling in head after head injury.

  • Any physical illness based on conversion disorder (or hysterical neurosis, conversion type)
  • Migraines
  • Susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Asthma with inspiratory difficulties – ‘singultus’
  • Skin allergies  Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis – infantile eczema, pruritus, psoriasis)
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – tyrannical patients


Elm: A sense of being overwhelmed by multiple impressions and demands; cannot find an overview, lack of pragmatic power in one’s actions; lack of ability to oversee problems of an emotional nature; may be triggered by head injury.
Cerato: Indecisiveness from lack of self-assurance and from lack of trust in one’s own wisdom; asks others for advice.
Wild Oat: Lack of direction in life; cannot decide on a meaningful occupation or path; lack of incentive; may be triggered by head injury.
Hornbeam: Lack of mental clarity, lack of power of concentration, mental fatigue; may be triggered by head injury.
Chicory: Capriciousness; changeable emotions; wants to bind others closely in order to feel appreciated; hysterical neurosis.
Chestnut Bud: Lack of reasonable clarity; mental overstimulation; impulsiveness of decisions.
Cherry Plum: Extreme imbalance in the mind; vacillation between two opposing tendencies, one being the need to control the mind with reason, the other being the inclination to give in to impulsive, irrational urges; oversensitivity to external impressions; may be triggered by head injury.
Agrimony: Changeable, contradictory state; surface demeanor is friendly and cheerful, while inner turmoil takes its toll; repeated disharmonious or spiteful remarks, as if to vent internal pressure; oversensitivity to external impressions.

Homoeopathic Medicine and scleranthus

Lilium tigrinum: “Wild,” unfocused feeling in the head; cannot attend decisively to work-related details; vacillation between religious aspiration and sexual inclination; manic-depressive; capricious; hysterical neurosis; visual weakness of accommodation (astigmatism); lack of steady gait, cannot step well on uneven ground, cannot walk straight; burning itching in various parts of the body; (sleeplessness from unruly mind).
Pulsatilla nigricans: Changeable emotions and physical symptoms, weeps and laughs alternately; difficulty in making a decision; nervous sensitivity; capriciousness, wants attention; hysterical neurosis; vertigo; migraines; susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis; hormonal imbalances; itching, pricking skin eruptions, skin allergies (after eating pork, for example).
Nux moschata: Bewildered state of mind; alternating moods, crying and laughing; believes to have two heads (symbolic sensation of the two-fold mental/emotional expression); vertigo, as from drunkenness (drowsiness, head feels enlarged, wavering sensation through head); asthma with inspiratory difficulties; psoriasis (dryness of skin and mucous membranes).
Berberis vulgaris: Concentration difficult, especially when interrupted; weeping mood, morose, indifferent; dull intellect in the morning, excitement at night; anxiety from motion; rapid change of physical symptoms, especially in regard to shifting location and character of pains; vertigo (head feels enlarged); skin eruptions over whole body.
Lachesis muta: Irresolution; lack of incentive, especially in the morning, more stimulated at night; strong emotional fluctuation, passionate; manic-depressive states; hysterical neurosis; vertigo; migraines; breathing disturbances (suffocative attacks); gastric ulcer; skin eruptions; in general, symptoms move from left to right; head injury.
Onosmodium virginianum: Difficulty in focusing and concentrating the mind; irresolution; mind precipitates, thoughts do not coordinate with actions; listless and without direction; migraines from eye-strain; difficulty accommodating the vision and focusing the eyes; hormonal disturbance (loss of sexual inclination, yet preoccupation with matter); staggering, unsteady gait (objects seem too high, stepping high).
Platinum: Alternating mental/emotional states, weeping and laughing; haughtiness, then fear of being abandoned; as mental/emotional symptoms abate, physical symptoms emerge, and vice versa; nervous sensitivity; hysterical neurosis; vertigo; migraines; various parts of the skin itch and burn, with shooting pains.
Petroleum: Great irresolution; anxious and dejected, yet suddenly flares into anger; bewildered feeling in head; sensation of being double or that someone else is lying next to own self (symbolic sensations of the alternating parts of the self, of the vacillating imbalance in the psyche); vertigo as if one had been swinging; motion sickness; itching eruptions, psoriasis.
Medorrhinum: Wild, unfocused sensation in head; erratic and extreme behavior, strongly passionate and poetic, then cruel and uncaring (tyrannical); manic-depressive states; vertigo that is worse on movement; migraines; inspiratory disorder especially in children (due to feeling alternately loved or rejected and developing emotional indecisiveness); gastric ulcer; urticaria, pruritus.

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