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Botanical name: Populus  tremula Linn.
Family: Salicaceae


  • English: European aspen
  • Spanish: Alamo temblon
  • French: Peuplier tremble
  • German: Espe

Mind / Emotions

Vague fears that go to the root of existence and persist. Fears that haunt day and night and refuse to be solved by use of reason. Delusional fears, often with an obsessive, fatalistic character; use of rituals or compulsive measures to find a sense of protection. Belief in and fear of higher supernatural powers and phenomena such as ghosts and unkind spirits. Superstitions, preoccupation with omens, belief in determinism of fate, premonitions and foreboding, sinister feelings, fear of “divine consequence,” fear of evil and of approaching doom. Fears in terminal illness in regard to the hovering, yet unmanifested threat of death. Apprehension, fears of dangers ahead; those may be real in possibility yet are still undefined. Phobias addressing broad, commonplace occurrences that do not have boundaries and create an all-pervading impact; for example, fear of open places, fear of the outdoors, fear of the dark, fear of deep waters. The psyche is vulnerable, open to impact, easily stirred. Detrimental preoccupation and fascination with evil


  • MIND – ANXIETY – anticipation; from
  • MIND – ANXIETY – beside oneself from anxiety; being
  • MIND – AVERSION – everything, to
  • MIND – CONCENTRATION – difficult
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – act and yet cannot; must
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – die – about to die; one was
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – do – unable to do anything, yet something must be done
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – old – feels old
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – will power; as if loss of
  • MIND – FEAR – causeless
  • MIND – MEMORY – weakness of memory
  • MIND – MISTAKES; making
  • MIND – MISTAKES; making – work, in


Tremulousness and nervousness, with a feeling that one is “raw” and unshielded from dangers. Chronic “free-floating anxiety.” Complaints of the alimentary tract, especially chronic diarrhea from constantly hovering fears or existential fears that cannot be explained clearly yet threaten to undermine one’s vitality.

  • Nervous excitement
  • Emotional diarrhea’
  • Insomnia – initial and intermittent (due to compulsive thought activity)


Walnut: Easily impressed and stirred; shaken and unnerved from detrimental experiences; lack of boundaries of psyche.
Sweet Chestnut: Preoccupation with morbid or sinister content; soul feels vulnerable and desolate; lack of meaning and purpose; faithlessness

Homoeopathic Medicine and Aspen

Phosphorus: Unprotected energy field (aura), easy impressionability; fear of impending dangers, of death and disease; fear in twilight, of the dark, of evil, of ghosts, of water, of thunderstorms, when alone; nervousness.
Gelsemium sempervirens: Fear of death, before sleep; fear of crowds and public places, of thunderstorms, of water; fearful premonitions that something will happen; almost constant low-level apprehension and nervousness, may manifest without apparent reason; diarrhea from fearful anticipation (‘emotional diarrhea’).
Argentum nitricum: Fear of evil, of death and disease; fear to walk past certain corners, to appear in a crowd; hovering apprehension and nervousness, sometimes without apparent reason; superstitions; diarrhea from fearful anticipation (‘emotional diarrhea’). y agitated nervous system.
Agaricus muscarius: Fear of and preoccupation with death-related issues such as in regard to corpses, funerals, etc.; great anguish in regard to the waning of life, to decay and decomposition; fear of disease; heightened nervous sensitivity.
Anacardium orientale: Fear of evil, of people and of being approached, of misfortune, of death, fear that someone is following, (fear of exams); unwholesome fascination with the anxiety surrounding evil acts; torn by two wills, the good and the bad; nervousness.
Rhus toxicodendron: Fear in twilight and in the dark; fear in a crowd and of people in general; fear of death, of evil; fear to go to sleep, cannot remain in bed and seeks company; fear of impending dangers, also dangers toward loved ones; superstitions; nervousness.

Reference for further study

RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C., The Psychological / Constitutional Essences of the Bach Flowers Remedies

SCHROYENS F., Synthesis

MURPHY R., Homeopathic Remedy Guide

VARMA P. N. and INDU V., Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

Foto: Leo Michels

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