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“Ceratostigma Willmottiana…

A flowering plant from the Himalayas , about (2ft) 60 cm in height . It does not go wild in western countries , but is cultivated in private gardens. The pale blue tubular flowers are about 1 cm in length. They are gathered in August and September.”

Emotional Group:  Uncertainity

“Cerato relates to the principle of inner certainity , the ‘inner voice’ , intuition. In the negative state Cerato problems arise in accepting one’s own correct judgments , witout being actually aware of this”

Cerato Key Symptoms …

Self Distruct

Seeks advice from others

Self Uncertainity

  • Distrusts own judgment .
  • Constantly asks others for advice.
  • Talks a great deal , getting on the nerves of others by cutting in with questions.
  • Thists excessively for information.
  • Hoards knowledge but does not use it.
  • Is made unsure by the decisions of others.
  • Opinions uncertain , changable .
  • Appears gullible or simple , even stupid.
  • Identity is weak.
  • Likes convention , and wants to know what is in.
  • Tendency to imitate attitudes of others.
  • Poor concentration due to lack of confidence in own judgment.
  • Lacks in trust in others, not trusting in own judgment.

” {Text taken from book Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer}

Detailed explanation of negative outcomes

  • Have no trust on her own judgment .Seeks repeated advices and confirmation from others.
  • Low confidence makes them hesitant  .Do not make definate decisions .
  • Uncertainity of self expression. NO definate ,on recieving Conflicting opinions from others puts them in a state of confusion still they preffer to rely on other’s opinions.
  • They are talkative because of thier continuous tendency to ask questions and other’s advice.
  • They blindly try to copy and imitate others gestures , hero worshiping others.
  • Subdude and self absorbed .This sometimes leads to awkwardness of movements. Painful unwanted self observation.
  • They have lack of focus.Undertake many things but preserve in nothing , as they are not focused.
  • They change thier doctors and treatments quite often.
  • GREEDY FOR INFORMATION , yet with all the information , he does not make decisions. When he makes the desicions he can carry it out quite well.
  • The negative state may have originated from childhood. Immature behaviour , inappropriate comments , laughter etc.

Expected Positive Outcomes

  • Start listening to thier inner voice
  • Start to use thier vast knowledge they gathered in thier Negative Cerato State from thier advice seeking and asking questions habit.
  • Recognition of higher wisdom and values.
  • Better in taking desicion s, able to  diagnose and  interpret the situation and problems well and feel  self-confident.

Physical Ailments Due to Negative Emotions

  • Skin Problems
  • Unsteady gait.
  • Awkward movements.
  • Stammering
  • Frequently dropping things
References and Further Readings

Dr. Vohra Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Vohra Home study course on Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Krishnamoorthy Complete guide to Bach Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies, Mechthild Scheffer

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