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Botanical name : Aesculus hippocastanum Linn.
Family: Hippocastanaceae
Synonyms :

  • Latin: Hippocastanum vulgare Gaertn;
  • English:  chestnut;
  • Spanish; Castano de India;
  • French: Marronnier d’inde;
  • German : Gemeine Rosskastanie.


Inattentiveness and lack of power of concentration. Restlessness and impulsiveness of the mind.
Mental hurriedness and precipitation of thought. Spontaneity, frolicsomeness, childish and foolish behavior. General weakness of memory; failure to retain learned material, this being either of factual or moral content. Disobedience, committing antisocial acts, sins, or crimes over and over again. Lack of reasoning and reflecting power, lack of having an overview, lack of serenity.
Lack of remorse and resolve. Predominance of emotions and impulses over reason and sound judgment. Wantonness, recklessness, carelessness.  Naiveness, immaturity of mind/emotions, developmental delay. Aids in furthering mental attentiveness and moral growth in mental or behavioral disorders: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, disruptive behavior disorder, factitious disorder and malingering (feigning of illness and procrastination for personal gain), antisocial personality disorder.



Tightening of the forehead and region between the eyes from worry and internal preoccupation; frontal headaches. Premature loss of clarity of eyesight; the nerves supplying the eyes are affected.
Lack of a calm and serene gaze.  Non-release of worry and preoccupation can result in chronic “indigestion” and affect the gastrointestinal tract (gastralgia, hypermotility, ulcers, pylorospasms, gastrointestinal pain, enterocolitis, irritable colon).   Excessive worrisome observation of symptoms, with likely worsening of symptoms therefrom.  Grinding of teeth from working through worrisome thought content.  Insomnia from failure to release disturbing thoughts.  Overactivity of the mind from engorgement of veins and congestion of blood to the head; hypertension. (Aesculus hippocastanum, the homeopathic medicine prepared from the ripe kernel, concerns with a symptom picture  of failure to focus the mind, irritability, excessive congestion of blood, and engorgement of veins.* In gemmotherapy, by utilization of the young shoots or buds of the plant, this remedy addresses hemorrhoids.)  It appears that in nervy, as opposed to plethoric patients, White Chestnut may cause a certain lightness or “emptiness” of the mind, and the remedy Clematis may be indicated in addition.

  • Hypertension
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  • Insomnia – intermittent type (due to excessive demands and suppression of hostility)
  • Cardiac neurosis (
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’ (
  • Irritable colon
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – patients with character neurosis
  • Insomnia – initial and intermittent (due to compulsive thought activity)


Mimulus: Worrisome, anxious concern in regard to certain fear-arousing situations; anxious observation of symptoms, excessive self-observation.
Cherry Plum: Fixated, recurring thoughts with shocking, unwanted content.
Scleranthus: Mental overstimulation; worries excessively from having to decide between two options.
Agrimony: Wants to avoid facing issues and problems, denies them or pushes them within, from where they reassert as continued, unsettling worry.
Crab Apple: Fixated, exaggerated preoccupation with personal flaws or shortcomings; unable to release disturbing thoughts.
Sweet Chestnut: Despair and morbid preoccupation with the meaninglessness of life.
Elm: Burdened and overwhelmed by excessive tasks ahead; the mind cannot gain an overview and is subdued by worry.
Vervain: Overwrought, nervous state; the mind grips a topic and does not let go; restlessly motivated to put thoughts into action.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Chestnut Bud

Lycopodium clavatum: Internal arguments and conversation, often after humiliations; worries about own performance; intellectual preoccupation; anxious observance of symptoms; cannot release thoughts; frontal headaches involving the temples; tension, pressure, and feeling of weight on chest; nervous breathing; heart palpitations with anxiety; hypertension; gastric ulcer; colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome; grinding of teeth.
Sulphur: Excessive theorizing and self-absorbed introspection; worries excessively about vexatious experiences of the past; band-like headaches;  heart palpitations at night with anxiety; hypertension; gastritis, gastric ulcer; colitis, inflammatory bowel disease; insomnia, often from flow of ideas.
Silica: Fixated thoughts; introversion; shyness; persistent, anxious preoccupation with performing; obsesses with pins, fears them and searches them out (cf. Spigelia anthelmia); scruples of conscience about trifling matter; headaches in forehead and vertex; oppression of chest, nervous breathing; colic, irritated colon (constipation); sleeplessness after 2 a.m. , with increased thought activity.
China officinalis: On going to sleep, theorizing and planning ahead; although thoughts may be intriguing initially rather than bothersome, the mind gets overly engaged and fixated and sleep is prevented (cf. Vervain); dwells on past disagreeable occurrences; (neuralgic headaches); oppression of the chest, with anguish; gastric ulcer; colic, inflammatory bowel disease, ulceration of abdominal viscera.
Cocculus indicus: Anxious and overly worried about health of loved ones and own health; worse from continued nightly vigil; mental overstrain, introspection; haunted by disagreeable thoughts; headaches with pain in eyes; failing eyesight; chronic loss of sleep.
Ignatia amara: Persistent grievous thoughts; broods silently; thinks much of own desires; self-absorbed; headaches from dwelling on grief; sighing and constrictive feeling in chest; (heart palpitations from grief); irritable colon; insomnia from grief and cares.
Natrum muriaticum: Introspection and grief; internalization of grief; dwells on past disagreeable occurrences, harbors resentment; headaches from preoccupation with grief; breath is short and tight; hypertension; heart palpitations causing anxiety; gastric ulcer, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome; sleeplessness from disturbing thoughts.
Camphora (Laurus camphora): Desire to be diverted from thoughts about own self, fear of own thoughts; anxiety about salvation; abstraction of the mind; feels isolated; manic impulses (cf. Cherry Plum); constrictive headaches in occiput and above root of nose, improves on thinking about it; suffocating oppression of chest; palpitations and anxiety at heart, heart can be heard striking against the side; dysentery; (coldness, blueness); sleeplessness from nervous excitement, anxious restlessness, while thinking of the morning hours.
Oxalic acid: Worsening of symptoms from thinking about them (opposite of Camphora); spasmodic breathing, with constricted larynx and chest; heart symptoms that are worse from thinking about them; gastralgia, pyrosis (heartburn), colic, diarrhea; wakes from nightmares and heart palpitations.
Glonoine: Recalls past grievances; great mental agitation, with headache; desire to take a deep breath, congestion to and oppression of chest; violent heart palpitations, pulsations over whole body; hypertension; gnawing in stomach, nausea, colic, diarrhea; venous constitution.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna): Overactivity of the mind; patient is oblivious to surroundings, caught in own mental activity; visual hallucinations; migraines located in forehead, right temple, occiput; general venous congestion and pulsation; hypertension; (menopausal flushes); sleeplessness from overactivity of thoughts and pulsating blood vessels.

Refrence for further study

RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C., The Psychological / Constitutional Essences of the Bach Flowers Remedies

SCHROYENS F., Synthesis

MURPHY R., Homeopathic Remedy Guide

VARMA P. N. and INDU V., Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

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