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Botanical name: Clematis vitalba Linn.
Family: Ranunculaceae

  • English: Traveler’s joy, Old man’s beard, Smokewood,
  • Spanish: Clematide;
  • French: Clematite vigne blanche;
  • German: Gemeine Waldrebe.

Mind / Emotions

Unfulfilled and unmotivated under present circumstances. Strong longing and wishing for happiness, anticipates favorable future events and enjoys imagining them. Absent-mindedness, lack of focus, sleepiness.  Thoughts wander or vanish. Reveries, visions, dream-like trances, near out-of body experiences, hallucinations and delusions with predominantly pleasant content, coma.
Clairvoyance.  Forgetfulness and impaired memory.  Easy starting from noise or from being jolted.
Feeling of being elevated or floating, of being “empty-headed” or “spaced-out.”

  • Mind – ABSENT-minded, preoccupied
  • Mind – WEARISOME, burdened feeling
  • MIND – DELUSIONS – body – out of the body
  • MIND – PROSTRATION of mind


Body feels as if not inhabited; uncertain movements; person bumps into things and then feels shocked and startled.  Mind loses control over body; disconnectedness (for example, drops things).
Sensorial depression, though no structural impairment (blurred or hazy vision, faintness of hearing, smell, taste, touch). Heightened nervous sensitivity with absent-mindedness and feeling “spaced-out.”  Chronic lethargy in mind and body; sleepiness.  Low thyroid activity; low adrenalin.
Faintness from overexertion, from prolonged standing.  Comatose states or chronic tendency to faintness or lightness of head after shock or fright or after head injury.  Vertigo.  .
(In homeopathic use, Clematis vitalba has been used in the treatment of varicose veins and ulcers. A related species, Clematis erecta, is indicated in profound sleepiness, in neuralgic pains that are relieved by perspiration, in emaciation; affinity with glands, genitals, urinary organs.)

  • Eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia)
  • Tendency to constipation
  • Insufficient blood circulation; cold extremities


Honeysuckle: Does not find interest in the present moment due to reminiscing about the happiness of the past; inner sadness and belief that this happiness can never be found again; drowsiness, sleepiness.
Water Violet: Feels as if floating, as if mind was elevated; feels removed from others; lives in own world; reserved dignity.
Rock Rose: Fragility of nerves; startles from being jolted, from loud noise; anxious undercurrent.
Walnut: Lack of boundaries of psyche; clairvoyance; easily impressed and shaken; lack of inner stability.
Star of Bethlehem: Grief and trauma, with loss of interest in present moment; head injury.
Wild Rose: Does not find happiness in the present moment, has no longing or desire for a future happiness; stagnation of emotions.

Homoeopathic Medicine and Clematis

Nux moschata: Absorbed in thoughts, in beautiful, dreamy images; drowsiness and sleepiness; fainting fits, also of hysterical nature; may faint from seeing blood; absent-minded and forgetful, seems intoxicated; severe constipation; (extreme dryness of all mucous membranes).
Staphisagria (Delphinium staphisagria): Dreams of a beautiful future, while present holds disappointment and disillusionment; sentimental and romantic, with poetic vision; sexual fantasies; suppressed anger and reserved indignation that are vented in sudden outbursts of temper.
Asarum europaeum: Absent-mindedness, lack of power of concentration; vanishing of thoughts on mental exertion; feeling as if floating in air; anorexia; highly sensitive and nervy; starting from noise.
Anhalonium lewinii: Escapes into a world of dreams and visions; increased auditory appreciation of music, sounds are accompanied by visions of colors; loss of conception of time, time seems too long; tendency to resentment; lethargic and sleepy; (weakening of the heart).
Cannabis indica: Pleasant, exciting visions; clairvoyance; disturbed sense of estimation in regard to time and space, time seems too long, space too expansive; loss of personal identity; chronic vertigo, sensation as if floating; very sleepy, but unable to sleep.
Opium (Papaver somniferum): Chronic lightness of head and vertigo after fright or shock (head injury); pleasant reveries, exaltation of the mind; can have frightful visions; loss of consciousness; apathy; grief over insults; coldness of lower limbs; constipation from inactivity of the bowels, of small intestine especially, often precipitated by experience of fright or shock.
Helleborus niger: May come on after disappointment in love or after blow to the head; sensorial depression, though senses are not impaired structurally; states of unconsciousness; weakness of memory; mind loses command over body, unless will is strongly fixed upon muscular action; dizziness on stooping.
Lac caninum: May come on after a fall; feels as if floating in air; lassitude and prostration; visions and dreams of snakes; nervous and easily startled; absent-minded, cannot focus the mind; restlessness of the mind; weakness of memory; confusion as to what is truth and reality; dizziness; limbs are numb and stiff; (physical symptoms alternate between the sides of the body).

Refrence for further study

RICHARDSON-BOEDLER C., The Psychological / Constitutional Essences of the Bach Flowers Remedies

SCHROYENS F., Synthesis

MURPHY R., Homeopathic Remedy Guide

VARMA P. N. and INDU V., Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia

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