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Botanical Name: Mimulus guttatus Fischiex Dc.
Family Scrophulariaceae

  • Latin: Mimulus grandiflorus, T.J. Howell, M. langsdorfi. J. Donn ex Green;
  • English: Mimulus, Common monkey flower;
  • German: Gefleckte Gauklerblume.


Fearful and overly careful, constantly attempting to prevent adverse happenings. Fearful anticipation of upcoming events such as exams or visits at the doctor’s office; the mind is overly preoccupied with and intimidated by the future occurrence. Fear of concrete situations, persons, or objects; sense of being overpowered by the impact of such occurrences; phobic reactions, obsessive and compulsive fears, anxiety disorders. Fear of concrete diseases, hypochondriasis; anxious watching of symptoms, fear of aggravating the condition, exaggerated conscientiousness. Existential fears such as fear of poverty, of disasters, of robbers. Shyness and timidity, nervousness, hesitant speech; excessive self-observation; fear of being appraised or observed. Fear of rejection in intimate affairs; passivity in regard to expressing affection. Attempt to hide inner fears compensation by show of courage; bravado, recklessness to prove one’s worth

  • MIND – ANXIETY – future, about
  • MIND – FEAR – cancer; of
  • MIND – FEAR – dark; of
  • MIND – FEAR – death, of
  • MIND – FEAR – health
  • MIND – POSTPONING everything to next day


Chronic nervousness of a rather mild kind and fearful body posture. Body appears to “shrink,” fearful withdrawal toward within. Fearful movements of the body, intended to prevent getting hurt or reinjuring oneself, as during convalescence after injuries, surgery, or sickness. Intensification of physical symptoms by obsessive preoccupation with symptoms and by anxiety aroused by mere imagination, such as seen in cardiac neurosis. Gastric disturbances such as stomach cramps, ulcers, or diarrhea from fearful experiences or from anticipation. Breathing disturbances with fearful sensation.

  • Hyperventilation syndrome
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia – intermittent type (due to excessive demands and suppression of hostility)
  • Skin allergies  Skin diseases (atopic dermatitis – infantile eczema, psoriasis)
  • Bronchial asthma with expiratory difficulties
  • Cardiac neurosis
  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers – dependent patients
  • ‘Emotional diarrhea’
  • Skin diseases (urticaria and atopic dermatitis – adolescence and adulthood)
  • Nervous breathing syndrome – ‘respiratory corset’
  • Irritable colon
  • Insomnia – initial and intermittent (due to compulsive thought activity)


Rock Rose: Extreme nervousness, intense fears and terrors, strong fear of death.
Aspen: Hovering fears, not connected with concrete circumstances; free-floating anxiety.
Cherry Plum: Strong phobic reactions, with fear of losing mental control; strong obsessive and compulsive fears.
Agrimony: Constant fearful worry or concern about the present or future; inner restlessness, mild nervousness.
Elm: Fearful concern that tasks ahead cannot be mastered, strong sense of being overwhelmed.
White Chestnut: Obsessive preoccupation with symptoms; excessive worrying without finding a solution.
Larch: Low self-confidence and fearful expectancy of failure; feels burdened and despondent.
Cerato: Fear of rejection, fear of being appraised, lack of self-assurance.
Gentian: Lack of perseverance; intimidation from obstacles, lack of faith

Homeopathic Medicine And Mimulus

Pulsatilla nigricans: Fearful and shy, yielding; wants to please others; gastric ulcer; ‘emotional diarrhea’ (from apprehension); bronchial asthma; eating disorders; nervous breathing syndrome; nervousness in mind and body; insomnia.
Plumbum metallicum: Fearfully withdraws within; anxiety, weariness, and discouragement; fear of being assassinated; diabetes; constipation; whole body contracts toward within.
China officinalis: Discouragement, anxiety and nervous irritation, feels depleted in mind and body; cannot bear to be touched; hyperventilation syndrome; asthma; gastric ulcer; (anorexia nervosa); sleep disorders.
Calcarea carbonica: Dreads the arrival of bad news, cannot digest reports of cruelties; fear of rejection in intimate affairs; anxiety of condition being observed; phobic tendency; fears heights, insanity, diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer, catastrophes, poverty, insects and spiders, rats and mice; asthma; (susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis); fear felt in epigastrium; gastric ulcers; diabetes; constipation; skin conditions (eczema); night terrors and insomnia.
Calcarea sulphurica: Timid person with many fears; can also appear obstinate, capricious, or jealous; anxiety about health, about the future; fear of insanity, of misfortune and evil; acne and eczema, skin abscesses.
Gelsemium sempervirens: Anticipatory fears, tremulous apprehension, stage fright; timid and quiet; cardiac neurosis; ‘emotional diarrhea’ (from apprehension); insomnia from anticipation or excitement.
Alumina: Timid and low-spirited; distressed and fearful when hurried; fear when seeing blood or a knife, accompanied by suicidal impulses (cf. Cherry Plum); fear of insanity, fear of cockroaches; constipation; skin eruptions;  insomnia.
Ammonium muriaticum: Timidity and apprehension, fear of darkness; anguished melancholy, full of cares and vexations; constipation; skin conditions; sleep disturbances; may come on after a head injury; (dwindling of muscular shape and power, especially of legs).
Causticum: Apprehension and anguish; fearful of the dark, no trust in the future; can be incensed by injustice, is sympathetic; asthma; gastric ulcer; urticaria; insomnia.
Natrum carbonicum: Anxious worry; timidity; cannot assimilate incoming information, slow comprehension; nervous breathing syndrome; gastric ulcer; insomnia in early morning hours.

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